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President's Message

Happy February! It’s hard to believe how fast January flew by and another Mid-Winter is on the books as well! 
First, let me say how thankful I am for the opportunity to serve as Charlotte Shag Club’s President in its 41st year of existence. It is a true honor, and I am very excited about 2025!  And I am very excited to work alongside the fabulous 2025 Executive Board, and Committee Chairpersons and those who have volunteered to help.  In case you missed the introductions of the 2025 Board, please scroll further in this newsletter.
My vision and goals for CSC include: (1) grow our membership; (2) recruit new members, especially in the 20 to 50ish age range for future growth; (3) bring more value and fun to our members, i.e., discounts, Saturday quarterly dance lessons, dance games; and (4) getting members more engaged and involved.  The Board (which includes the Executive Board and all Committee Chairpersons and committee members) shares this vision. But every Board member has ideas of their own, not to mention ideas already submitted by some of our members! The Board will reach consensus on the best ideas to implement this year so hang on to your shag shoes!
Speaking of ideas, please reach out to me with any suggestions you have at or my cell at (704) 321-2196.  Do you have suggestions for quarterly dance lessons? Thursday night Dance games like “Ask Me To Dance” or "Fill My Dance Card"? Recruitment ideas? Fund raising ideas? But remember, if you have a criticism or complaint, you MUST also present a positive possible solution. No complainers need apply – be part of the solution not part of the problem!
I would also like to thank the 2024 CSC Executive Board: 

  • Scott Myers-President

  • Vickie Smith-Vice President

  • Dave Rodgers-Treasurer

  • Janet Johnson-Secretary

  • Glenna Watts, Sergeant-At-Arms (Glenna also orchestrated our infamous Shooter Parties at SOS)

  • Sharon Winstead-Past President (Sharon also took charge of our Party Wagon fund raiser).

And many thanks to the devoted 2024 Committee Chairpersons:


  • Jeff Allen-Social

  • Heather Watts Stewart-Membership (and Heather worked tirelessly with Jeff on our Christmas Party)

  • Marguerite Carson-Communications

  • Bob Klimas-Photographer

  • Lewis Long-Webmaster

We appreciate your service and all your accomplishments in 2024!
Our Re-Up party was a big success, and we are still signing up new members and renewals.  If you want to keep getting the CSC newsletter and updates, be sure to renew by end of March. Please see Glenna Watts-Membership if you haven’t already done so.  And a tip about our Charlotte Shag Club cards you get when you join or renew: Present your CSC membership card if you visit other clubs because often this will get you in the event free or at a reduced cost!
February brings our monthly CSC party celebrating Mardi Gras on February 20th with DJ Johnny B! Wear any beads or festive accessories to celebrate and bring an appetizer or dessert to share. CSC will provide a Mardi Gras Gumbo and a king cake!
Check out the dates for all 2025 CSC monthly parties posted in this newsletter and put on your calendar now.
We have a full Board and a talented team this year but we have one more critical role that needs YOU to step up, and that is for our Committee Chairperson-Junior Shaggers!  If you have a heart for our juniors and want to know what is involved, let me know HERE. Basically, it is organizing at least three events on a Saturday afternoon at Lynn’s – partnering with other local shag clubs to bring in juniors – and scheduling one of the many fantastic pros in our area to teach!  I can attest that this is a fun and rewarding role since I served in this role in 2023. Use your talents and time to invest in our future generation of shaggers!
Finally, if you missed the announcement at Lynn’s, the owner of Duck’s let Glenna know that this year at SOS Spring Safari and how it falls on the calendar after a late Easter, there are going to be other groups in town. He suggested that if you have not already made lodging reservations, it is a good idea to do so ASAP.
Together, we will make 2025 an awesome year for the Charlotte Shag Club!

“Eat. Sleep. Dance. Repeat.”


A big welcome back to our legacy
Charlotte Shag Club members:


Click on Valerie Brandenburg's obituary here:

Do you have some good news or prayer requests you want to share with your friends in CSC?  Email us here:​​


​​Upcoming Events:


Charlotte Shag Club -- Established January 1984

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